Friday, March 5, 2010

Too Sweet! Too Sweet!

Tonight I had the most amazing layered chocolate mousse cake. The top layer was a thin ganache, then a thick cream, cake, mousse and then cake again. Deliciousness in a one slice package from the grocery store served perfectly chilled.

I wasn't even going to buy the cake. I was swerving in and out of the produce aisles in the store provided go-cart trying to find organic green onions and had finally given up the mission. I thought taking my leave through the wonderful smelling bakery was a really good idea. One last longing look at the tasty sweets as I sped past. I had succeeded in keeping kind to my waistline when I heard Karl behind me announce that he was going to buy a slice of cake. I came to such a quick stop that the groceries in my basket shifted forward and jammed underneath that totally useless extra inner basket. I almost made the mistake of going backwards in the cart. Thankfully, I remembered that doing so would bring forth the unmistakable "wide load moving" beep. That would have been just too embarrassing next to the cream puff and brownie counter.

One quick loop around the rotisserie chickens and specialty cheeses and I was back by Karl's side. He postured, hmmed a little bit, and then finally asked me to remind him what kind was his favorite. I was honest and told him that traditionally he loved carrot and German cake, but that if I were going to pick out one, I would get the layered chocolate mousse cake with chocolate shavings on top. He agreed, proving what excellent taste he has. You know, by agreeing with me.

I give my husband a lot of grief for things that actually annoy me about myself. Much easier just to get angry at him instead of admit that I am frustrated with my situation. It is amazing how quickly I can get mad at him when he acts in a way that I think is the least bit contrary to the man I think so much of. Karl has always loved video games. Old games, new games, doesn't matter. His blog could be "this life comes with games".

He is the conqueror of all things that cannot be controlled. The main thing being that he cannot control that I have an as of yet incurable condition. But he does what he can. He keeps better track of my medical information than I do. He knows when I am supposed to take pills, how to tell when I missed them, keeps my medication cold, prepares my medicine, keeps track of where my main medicine is, what happened when. He does not ever complain about any of this no matter how tired he is and he does not forget. I get sick of it all and wish that it was okay to skip steps. He shrugs it off and says he'll take care of it.

He can spend hours fighting dragons online, but almost as soon as I am able to do anything, he's packing my medicine up so we can go have an adventure. Yep, I'm married to Amazing Man. His alter ego is Grumpy Bear Man. And now it's time for me to finish his cake. Life is sweet.