Sunday, October 2, 2011


My oh my but a long time has gone by. Almost a year since my last entry. I'm feeling a bit rusty already. I had originally put off writing anything for a bit because I was going to be taking a weekly pottery class and I thought zaniness would ensue and funny stories would be abundant. Instead, I missed a few classes because of a cold, an ice storm, and almost worthless legs from too many leg strengthening excericises perscribed by a maniacally happy chiropractor. I knew I was going to skip my next class because I had to ask Karl to help me get up from the toilet. And of course I'm on loads of water pills.

Turns out I have little natural skill at throwing clay. On a wheel or at the wall. I was behind everyone else in my class and did not come close to using up all of my clay. Ugh, just remembered that I left several pieces there. I really should have thought twice about taking a 3 hour long class that was 45 minutes away.
In the spring Karl and I went to Scarborough Fair. It was his first time there. Karl had never before seen so much inappropriately used synthetic material. Ever. I rode a small elephant, pet a goose and came away with the plague. Yep, it took the doc about a half second to diagnose me with shingles. A few very painful weeks later and I was no longer going braless in Walmart (I was quite popular during that time) and then the hottest summer ever began. I know I got out into the world, I know I had some fun, but right now all I can remember is the heat. Oh, and Karl went to Germany with his dad for 3 weeks just for the hell of it. Very cool.
I had a master plan of leaving Texas for the summer, but a nagging feeling and constantly rescheduled doctor's appointments kept me in town. Doctor's visits came back all good, and the nagging feeling turned into a lost filling and a root canal. I would have much rather been elsewhere, but it was nice to get those things out of the way.
Now we're heading into autumn, Karl has taken up running and finished his first race in 18 years this past Saturday. From his age group (40 -44) he was #16 out of 48 other men. He's really excited about his next race, and the one after that. He's also looking into taking some classes for fun at the local college. If I were to guess, I would say on the history of anything, but that man does often surprise me.
I am in a bit of limbo. My birthday is in one month and if I do not renew my massage license that I have not used in 5 years, then it expires. To get my license back I would have to retake the state exam. If I renew it then I will need about $450 for this and last year's fees and a couple of online ceu courses. Money that I do not have pretty much because of that art class, Scarborough Fair (with a couple of days in Austin), several doctor's appointments, a root canal and a replacement pair of eyeglasses. Somewhere in Paris, Tx my glasses are having fun.
I really hate to let that part of my identity go, but it has been 5 years and I was a massage therapist for only one year. One really great year. It feels like life is lacking a bit of focus lately. I'm not a fan of wanting to be told what it is I should be doing in life, or at least aiming for, but just now I kind of wouldn't mind a little help.
I think the only thing for it right now is to finish my now cold chamomile tea, sleep well and enjoy whatever tomorrow brings.

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