Saturday, March 6, 2010

Nice Kitty... Ow! Ow! Ow!

I have the sweetest fluffiest pretty kitty living with us and I am terrified of her. She is half Siamese, half long hair black alley cat. Her markings are a beautiful chocolate seal point, long fur and a normal cat face and meow. She told us her name is Coco.

I met Coco almost 5 years ago at her other home which was about 20 minutes away from us. Her pets were computer programmers who were struggling to get a website up for their very first clients. The neighborhood where they lived was slightly questionable, so as I stepped into their home, I looked back at my car just in time to see a gorgeous black cat skulk back into to the alley across the street. He was looking a bit guilty. Might have been stepping out on his Siamese lady friend. Coco's mom greeted me at the door and then rushed off to get some alone time. She obviously knew that the kittens would be busy with me and she saw her chance to get some spa time in.

Coco easily had 50 siblings that all looked like her. That house had kittens on top of every surface that they could claim. I was overwhelmed. I had know idea how I was supposed to decide who was to come home with me. One of Coco's pets decided she would feed the kittens and that maybe while they were fighting it out over Tender Vittles that I could make my decision. She was right, but not in the way she had imagined.

The distant sound of can tops popping open was an irresistible tuna siren call. A herd of kittens rushed past my feet. The room was suddenly quite empty except for me and one little kitty that was asleep on the couch. I pretty much decided on that kitten like I decide on sushi. That one is pretty and it's close. As I scooped her up she opened her eyes and obviously smelled what everyone else was getting to have. She tried to bolt, but quickly surrendered to the pettin's.

Her pets let me know that she had been sick and had almost lost her sight. Because of the constant holding and attention that she had been getting, she was considered to be the sweet one. Obviously she had been faking so she would be chosen first to leave the nest. Or maybe it was the car ride that made her bad. I thought it curious that neither her mother nor father bid her farewell.

Our dogs however, could not wait to greet her. I brought Coco into the living room and sat down in the comfy chair with her on my lap. The dogs were so excited. So was Coco. There was a dog on either side of her and she took her time to punish both of them. Her utter contempt equally matched their utter love for her. I was a bit terrified. Someone was going to lose a nose and I was really hoping that it would not be me. When she yowled and her head spun around, that's when I knew that I would never bathe her.

5 years have passed since that day. I have had many lovely naps with Coco and I usually have to endure one love bite each time. I guess it's her way of letting me know that it is a privilege to be able to spend time with her. She tries to play with Jane, but her sneak attack is so surprising to both of them that they usually run away from each other. Guests are not exempt from her bad manners. She will either totally ignore them or will sweetly curl up on their lap and happily purr as she is pet. Then she'll dreamily gaze up at them and hiss like they pulled her tail.

That's really all I have to say about her right now. I just want to make sure that in the future when I remember my time with her that I don't make the mistake of claiming she is the most perfect kitty ever. Even if she really is.

Oh thank goodness! She decided to take her nap on Karl this time. Hey... why isn't she biting him?


  1. Lauged out loud at "When she yowled and her head spun around, that's when I knew that I would never bathe her." You are so funny!

  2. You are hilarious! I have a dog that does the same thing! She will walk up to someone with her tail wagging like she can't wait to be touched and when they reach down for her, she snaps at them! But, someone has to love them, right? Let's go look for some pretty yachts soon.
