Sunday, January 16, 2011

Don't Wanna, Can't Make Me

Karl and I recently took off to Galveston for 24 hours. The day before his 2 days off, I realized that we could either blow town or take care of a greatly mounting list of to-do's. I had Karl's consent and a hotel booked within a half hour.

We left early enough the next day to have a late lunch close to the seawall. We topped our po' boys off with an afternoon nap that lasted until dinner time. Ah, the life of the lazy. Personally, I kind of hate naps, so mine was a bit shorter than his. I knew I had to resist the temptation of jumping on the bed, so I decided to be just a bit responsible and actually write out my Don't Wanna Do and Want To Do lists. Sadly, the former was much longer. To be fair, the Want To Do list would have been longer, but the "bad" list was so long that it made me a bit blue and good times got harder to think of. We enjoyed the rest of our time in Galveston and the list was not spoken of once. We were so good at ignoring the list that we continued our silence on the topic even after we got home. And for the next couple of days.

My dreams were just about the only thing that kept the list from being totally discarded. Lots of stressful action sequences. I have played characters in Crouching Tiger, Lord of the Rings and some version of King Arthur crossed with the Matrix.

Actually, I think the Lord of the Rings was a shout out for my medicine. I was Frodo and another random hobbit was telling me how the ring was so awful and how they would never be able to bear that burden. I was thinking, yeah, but if you knew how bad it really was, you would carry it, too. Thankfully, flolan themes rarely invade my sleeping hours. Flolan is invasive, but the PH is debilitating. It's worth it to carry the medicine.

3 days have gone by since the list's conception, and it has only grown. Tasks include paying the house taxes before the end of the month, calling a friend that I haven't talked to in such a long time, not for the purpose of chatting, but because I have something that only they can repair, calling various repairmen for non-vital but comfort improving repairs, and I truly cannot remember anything else right now without getting out the list which I have hidden somewhere. Okay, I know where, but you'll never get it out of me.

I have so much time to take care of these things, you would think I would just get them done instead of prolonging the avoidance. Anyways, I have stalled too long today to get anything done, and I'm fighting off a cold and the hot toddy I have been sipping on is insisting on me getting some sleep now. I hope I get to have a Narnia dream tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Nice trip, expert avoidance techniques, I'm making notes.
