Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cake, Forgiveness, Setting the World to Rights

In my world, cake makes all things better. Wonderful layered yumminess. Or single layer with the perfect icing swirled or drizzled on top. Oh cake! That you would be my middle name. Actually, Honey Cake doesn't sound that bad. Mmm... honey cake with cinnamon icing drizzle.

The last couple of days my world has been a little tilted. Grumpier, tireder, more sullen. Not at all how I want to spend my time feeling. But there it is. I know I have plenty of cause to have an off few days, and I'm pretty sure I'm entitled to a solid month or two. But grumpy, tired & sullen are boring to me. Who wants to feel like they're boring?

Whenever I do get into one of these moods, my biggest concern is that I am not annoying to the people around me. I'm not into making other people's lives miserable. I am always assured that I am not a 24/7 mope, but it just occured to me that asking too often for a personality check probably is annoying. Guess the lesson here is do the best you can, forgive yourself the rest. That's what I try do for other people. Maby I should do the same for me.

Oh! A little bite of carrot cake fell on the floor. Poor Jane, always at Grandma's house when I drop the best food. I wonder if I can eat that? Nope, covered in dog hair.

Today's accomplishments are that I helped Mom clean my house (yep, she's that fabulous) and I made all of my meals for the day (5!). I love having a clean space and knowing that I am able to successfully nourish myself. Especially since this time last year... ugh, nevermind.

Tonight, for the very first time, I made a seafood chowder. And is is fantabulous! It has tilapia, shrimp, sea scallops, potatoes, carrots & celery. I healthed it up quite a bit, but it still came out all yummy and creamy. This delicious cake is the only reason Karl will be having seafood chowder for dinner. Unfortunately, he will not be having any cake.

That is all for me tonight. Karl just called, he is on his way home to me, & I have a little bit of joyful dancing to do before I go heat up dinner. I hope that ya'll have a peaceful easy evening that includes a really great belly laugh. Tomorrow anything is possible! Isn't that just wonderful? Happy cake dreams ya'll!

1 comment:

  1. OK, fabulous good entry, and worth the wait. Love, Mom
